Most Fascinating Castles and Palaces
The Potala Palace: Tibet's greatest monumental structure
Mont Saint-Michel: a Medieval Castle on a Small Island
Predjamski Castle: Integrated in a Cave
The castle wasn't built in one go; first written records exist from 13th century, though the first part (left wing) was probably built in the first half of 12th century. Middle part was added in renaissance, and the right wing was build around 1570. Some things were added and changed later, but since 1990 renovation work is in progress, restoring it to the original 16th century look.
Neuschwanstein Castle: the Classic Fairytale's Castle
The construction of the castle was carried out according to a well thought-out plan. The castle was equipped with all kinds of technical conveniences which were very modern, if not to say revolutionary at that time. Running water on all floors. There were toilets equipped with automatic flushing on every floor. A warm air heating system for the entire building. American tourists are already familiar with Neuschwanstein; the sleeping beauty Castle in DisneyLand, was modeled on it.
Matsumoto Castle: Japan's most fascinating castle
Hunyad Castle: were Dracula was held prisoner
Malbork Castle: World's Largest Brick Gothic Castle
Palacio da Pena: Oldest Palace inspired by European Romanticism
Löwenburg Castle: The Disneyland of the 18th century
Prague Castle: World's Largest Ancient Castle