Wednesday, September 15, 2010






2.    Red-crowned River Turtle Batagur kachuga,– historically widespread throughout the great rivers of northern India, Bangladesh and Nepal, intensive egg collection, capture of adults for consumption, dams, and river pollution impacted it so badly that there’s only a single viable population left, in the ‘unholy’ Chambal River of central India. Males remain much smaller than females and color spectacularly for courtship season.




3.    Myanmar River Turtle Batagur trivittata,– ‘Sibling species’ of the B. kachuga, feared extinct from 1935 until rediscovery in 1993, this species once occurred in large numbers in the Irrawaddy river system of Myanmar (Burma) until its populations shrunk to under a dozen mature animals in the upper Chindwin river as a result of egg collection, hunting and habitat degradation including dams and gold mining. The eggs of these last animals have been protected in recent years and the juveniles are being raised at Mandalay Zoo for re-introduction.



4.    Roti Snake-necked Turtle Chelodina mccordi,– discovered on the small Indonesian island of Roti in 1994, it was immediately in great demand for the pet trade in America, Europe and Japan, and the species was collected into near-extinction by 2000. Captive breeding for re-introduction is slow and a long-term prospect at best.

5.    Southeast Asian Giant Softshell Turtle Chitra chitra,– One of the largest turtles in the world (weighing up to a quarter ton), it is restricted now to scattered individuals in two rather small rivers in western Thailand and Java (Indonesia), where they continue to be under severe threat from hunting for consumption, egg collection, and pollution and damming of these rivers.



6.    Yunnan Box Turtle Cuora yunnanensis,– considered extinct until a few individuals were found in 2005 at a location still kept secret in China’s Yunnan province, these animals are the nucleus of a hoped-for conservation breeding program for the species. Black market prices in the pet trade may exceed USD 10,000.


7.    Central American River Turtle Dermatemys mawii– a big, vegetarian turtle,  primarily found in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, the last species of a group that traces its ancestry back to the time of the dinosaurs, with no obvious changes in appearance. Its meat is highly prized in Central America for Lent, Easter and other religious celebrations, making it so valuable that collectors charter planes to fly into remote wetlands, collect these turtles, and fly them out.


8.    Bog Turtle Glyptemys muhlenbergii, – A tiny (4 inch shell length) turtle of the foothills of the Eastern USA, it is a habitat specialist living in spring meadows and other small marshes, where it digs tunnels like a mole to hunt for worms, slugs and grubs. About 98% of its habitat has been converted to agricultural lands, with just scattered small populations remaining from New York to Tennessee.

9.    Annam Pond Turtle Mauremys annamensis,– a species restricted to marshy wetlands of central Vietnam, it was intensively collected to supply the Chinese food trade in the 1990s and only a handful of animals remain in the wild. There are good populations in captivity, which breed well, and repatriation to Vietnam as a first step towards re-introduction of the species has already occurred.




10.    Coahuila Box Turtle Terrapene coahuila,– All other box turtles (so named because the two halves of the lower shell can raise up and close off the shell like a box) are mostly land-living, but this species from the semi-desert of northern Mexico has gone back to living permanently in freshwater – in its case the springs and marshes of Cuatro Cienegas, a desert oasis complex under significant threat from desiccation through groundwater pumping for agriculture and residential use, as well as agricultural land conversion within the Cuatro Cienegas basin.

Tracy Farrell, the leader of Conservation International’s Freshwater team said, “It’s time that the international community recognized that we need a holistic approach to managing our freshwater ecosystems. Failure to protect the source, flow and delivery of freshwater in an interconnected way, results in a loss of benefits to species and people. We have already lost half of our wetlands and dammed two thirds of our major rivers . Damming in one place can have dramatic consequences downstream, and if we don’t consider the whole of a system we threaten not only important populations of animals – like turtles – but also human populations that rely on these waterways for food, irrigation, drinking water and even transport.”
    Van Dijk concluded, “If we don’t act now to protect the habitats that support these creatures and take stronger action to tackle both the international and domestic markets in these animals for pets and food we stand a very real chance that we will lose them forever.”

    Friday, September 3, 2010

    Winners verses Losers

    Winners verses Losers
    The winner is always part of Anwers;
    The losers is always part of problem:
    The winner has a programm;
    The loser has a excuse:
    The winner says, "let me do it for you";
    The loser says, "that is not my job":
    The winner sees an answer for every problem;
    The loser sees a problem for every answer:
    When a winner says, "It may be difficult but it is
    When a loser says, "It may be possible but it is too
    When a winner makes a mistake, he says 'I was wrong';
    When a loser makes a mistake, he says, 'It wasn't my
    A winner makes Commitments;
    A loser makes Promises:
    Winner have dreams;
    Loser have schems:
    Winner says, 'I must do something';
    Loser says, 'something must be done':
    Winner are a part of the team;
    Losers are apart from the team:
    Winner see the gain;
    Loser see the pain:
    Winners see possibilities;
    Losers see problems:
    Winners believe in win/win;
    Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose:
    Winners see the potential;
    Losers see the past:
    Winners are like a thermostat;
    Losers are like a thermometer:
    Winners choose wat they say;
    Losers say what they choose:
    Winners use hard argument but softwords;
    Losers uses soft argument but hard words:
    winner stand firm on values but compromise on petty
    Loser stand firm on petty things but compromise on
    Winners follow the philosophy of empathi; " dont do to
    others wat do you would not want them to do to you";
    Losers follows the philosophy of empathi; ' do it to
    others before they do it to you":
    Winner make it happen;
    Loser let it happen:
    Winners plan and prepare to win;
    Loser plans to win: